Used OBI Presses for Sale

Found 4 Machines for Sale • In Stock & On Our Floor

Used OBI Presses for Sale

O.B.I. stands for Open Back Inclinable punch presses. We sell Air clutch OBI presses rather than mechanical clutch OBI presses. Our used OBI presses for sale are equipped with anti-tie down operator buttons. The end goal is to help our customer get on their way to an OSHA certified press. Furthermore, keeping the production process simple helps increase efficiency.

An OBI press is a very affordable option for punch press operations. Buying a used OBI press provides manufacturers speed, precision, and versatility within their production line for a fraction of the price. Many of our OBI punch presses for sale come equipped with the latest safety features. Manufacturers all around the world have been saving floor space and running OBI presses since the 19th century. Stop by today to learn more about OBI presses.

Found 4 Machines for Sale • In Stock & On Our Floor